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Thank you, blog readers!

2 Apr

I know I’m a touch late, but I just wanted to end March with a huge thank you to all who read my blogs, Ginger Baby Reviews and The Monkey in My Brain. Many of you have been diligent about subscribing, stopping by and liking my posts.

I have been working hard to create blog spaces that feel authentic, that share pieces of me while at the same time, reaching out to others. I hope that you all continue to stop by, and feel free to drop me a line anytime with opinions, suggestions or just to say hello!

I’m really grateful for all of you, and I look forward to getting know you through the blogosphere.


Ah, the land of food blogging

19 May

I’m assuming you are a stranger. Hello stranger. I am L. It doesn’t stand for anything. I assure you. It’s just L. Nice to meet you. Encantada. Mucho gusto.

I’ve fallen in love with food which has brought me here to join the ranks of the bazillion food bloggers out there in the universe. When I was younger, I couldn’t boil water. Literally. But a jobless move to Chicago ignited a love for food that has continued to grow over the last six years.

I’ve baked pies and cakes, cooked gumbos and casseroles, roasted leg of lamb and tofu. If you’re going to be a regular visitor, consider yourself forewarned. This blog will feature a wide variety of eating types, from raw to vegetarian to carnivorous to the max. And everything else in between. I love food. All kinds of food. And I’m working on embracing the best of all of it.

The other side of this blognificent coin is that I love fitness. I am a runner, though not a very good one, a yogi, though not consistent, and a lover of all things plyometric and calisthenic. I bike often and walk less. As long as I’m moving, I’m happy. And please, don’t let me on the dance floor…

I hope you come around often. Check out the recipes, the workouts, the reviews and throw in your two-cents. This blog is for you. I’m glad you’ve stopped by.
